
Uniswap launches $5M NFT Marketplace Airdrop

Defi news, News

The leading decentralized exchange (DEX) Uniswap has launched an NFT marketplace aggregator to deliver better prices, faster indexing, safer smart contracts, and efficient execution. Now, users can trade NFTs across multiple marketplaces to find more listings and better prices in one interface.

OpenSea, LooksRare, X2Y2, Larva Labs, NFT 20, Sudoswap, NFTX, and Foundation are the first exchanges that Uniswap will provide support for. When compared to existing aggregators, customers of this brand-new NFT aggregator will see up to a 15% reduction in the cost of their gas purchases.

An open-sourced Universal Router contract serves as the source of power for the aggregator. Compared to other markets, Uniswap claims that their platform can save tens of thousands of gas units.

In addition to that, Uniswap is providing an airdrop of around 5 million USDC to a subset of Genie users who have been active in the past. Note that Uniswap purchased Genie back in June of this year as part of its expansion drive to include NFTs and ERC-20 tokens among its products. This acquisition was made as part of Uniswap’s overall strategy.

In addition to this, the exchange will provide refunds on petrol purchases to the first 22,000 customers who utilize the NFT. However, the gas rebates will only be available for a total of 0.01 ETH and will only be accessible for a period of two weeks. The goal of the introduction of the NFT marketplace aggregators is to establish interoperable experiences between the two ecosystems of ERC-20 tokens and NFTs. This will be accomplished by bridging the gap between the two.

The airdrop event for Genie users is in two tiers based on a snapshot taken on April 15, 2022, at 00:00 UTC.

  • The $300 tier: It is available to wallets that completed more than one transaction before the snapshot
  • The $1000 tier: It is available to wallets that held the Genie:Genesis NFT as of the snapshot. This tier is also available to wallets purchased a Genie:Genesis NFT or a Genie:Gem NFT between 5:59 pm and 9:15 pm UTC on June 21st. Remember, users are eligible per unique address.Β 

Users can claim their airdrop in USDC for both tires on for the next 12 months.

Compiled by Coinbold

ETH, Genesis, NFT, Opensea, Stable Coin, UNISWAP, USDC