Solana’s DeGods & y00ts NFT Founder Frank Doxxed Himself

Solana’s DeGods & y00ts NFT Founder Frank Doxxed Himself

News, NFT news

The best of Solana’s collections Frank DeGods, founder of DeGods & y00ts NFT, has at long last doxxed himself, revealing himself to be none other than Rohun Vora. After dropping out of UCLA to seek a fellowship at Y-Combinator, Vora went on to work for MainStreet after briefly studying engineering at General Assembly. Vora dropped out of UCLA to pursue a fellowship at Y-Combinator.

He adds that he would continue to go by the name Frank even after the revelation even though he is a major admirer of the singer Frank Ocean, from whom he took the name Frank. Rohun Vora picked the name Frank.

Vora was put in a position where he had no choice but to divulge his true identity since someone from the media was already attempting to doxx him. His choice was met with approval by the DeDAO community, particularly when several of its members came forth with their true identities.

Kevin DeGods, CEO of Dust Labs, added fuel to the fire by admitting that he is really Kevin Henrikson, a successful businessman who has founded many technology companies. He then decided to reveal his Wikipedia profile, which had the effect of completely startling the community.

Kevin Henrikson is a legend in the Web2 world, and he has now also found success in Web3 endeavors. In addition to working on the development of Instacart, Henrikson contributed to the creation of products that were later acquired by Yahoo and Outlook for nine figures.

Since the creators have come forth with their identities, the community has gained a greater level of confidence in them and is hopeful that this will further propel DeGods and y00ts NFT collections to new heights.

Frank, also known as Rohun Vora, is getting rather pumped up to meet other members of the group at the next events. On the plus side, you won’t need to put on a mask when you go to the Art Basel events, haha. Frank tweeted that he was “excited to meet you mfers.”

Compiled by Coinbold

NFT, Web3