WebX is Asia's largest web3 conference planned and managed by CoinPost, Japan's largest crypto/web3 media.

PM Kishida of Japan is slated to deliver a video message at the WebX Conference.

Press releases, News

CoinPost, Japan’s largest cryptocurrency and blockchain media outlet, is pleased to announce that Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is scheduled to speak by video at WebX, a global Web3 conference in Tokyo on July 25–26.


What is WebX?

WebX, which will gather promising Web2 and Web3 projects, companies, entrepreneurs, investors, developers, and others from around the world, is one of the largest Web3 conferences in Asia.

Participants can attend talks (with simultaneous Japanese interpretation) by the world’s top Web3 projects and founders, networking opportunities, technical workshops by leading blockchain development teams, exhibitions, and other chances to interact with a range of companies and projects.


Japan is attracting unprecedented attention in Web3 from around the world as it is being backed by the Japanese government as well as major companies (see below).

  • May 2022: Prime Minister Kishida announces in London his intention to develop the Web3 environment
  • June 2022: Government adds “environmental improvement for Web3 promotion” to its Basic Policies for 2022
  • November 2022: NTT Docomo announces 600 billion yen investment in Web3
  • November 2022: Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) announces Web3 promotion strategy
  • December 2022: Ruling party’s tax reform proposal includes Web3-related tax reform

One of the reasons is that amid concerns of a long-term decline in Japan’s economic strength and competitiveness, the cross-border strength (international reach) of this field has the potential to greatly accelerate the digital transformation and global expansion of numerous industries, including the Japanese content industry, as Japan is considered an intellectual property (IP) powerhouse for its anime, manga, games, etc.

Despite serious efforts to create innovations and new businesses, Japan currently lags behind other countries due to bottlenecks such as a closed environment, language barrier, and regulations out of sync with reality.

In addition, many Japanese companies have highlighted challenges such as a lack of expertise, ideas, corporate networks, and professional human resources to promote Web3 business.

Against this backdrop, CoinPost believes launching a global conference that enables international exchange and establishes a distribution network for Web3 information and human resources is essential for the growth of the Japanese blockchain industry.

The first WebX conference will take place in July 2023 at the Tokyo International Forum, which is equipped with a simultaneous interpretation system and will bring together attendees from all over the world. We hope to make this an event that spurs on the government’s Web3 reforms and serves as a bridge between Web3 and existing industries.

Conference Outline

  • Date: July 25 (Tue) — July 26 (Wed), 2023
  • Location: Tokyo International Forum (3–5–1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo)
  • Organizer: WebX Executive Committee
  • Producer: CoinPost, Inc.
  • Number of attendees (estimated): 15,000+
  • Number of participating companies (estimated): 2,000+
  • Number of exhibitors (estimated): 150+
  • Number of media partners: 100+
  • Website:

Information on speakers and tickets will be announced via Twitter in time. Please follow the accounts below and stay tuned.

Speaker Profile

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The 101st Prime Minister of Japan

Fumio Kishida

Member of the House of Representatives; Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party and the Kouchikai (LDP faction). Elected to the House of Representatives ten consecutive times (since his first election) from the Hiroshima 1st District.

In 1982, he graduated from the School of Law, Waseda University, and joined The Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, Ltd. He was elected to the House of Representatives for the first time in 1993 and served in a number of important positions, including as a member of the Committee on Rules and Administration (parliamentary proceedings officer), Director-General of the LDP Treasury Bureau, and Minister of State for Special Missions in the Cabinet Office. From 2012 he served as Minister of Foreign Affairs, from 2017 Minister of Defense and Chairman of the Policy Research Council, and also became the Prime Minister of Japan that same year.

Conference Producer

  • CoinPost, Inc.
  • Business: Online news media operation specializing in cryptocurrency and blockchain
  • Website:
  • Representative: Takahito Kagami, CEO
  • Headquarters: BH Building 7F, 3–27–5 Higashinippori, Arakawa Ward, Tokyo

blockchain, Web3