Keanu Reeves Says Cryptocurrency Is Amazing

Keanu Reeves Says Cryptocurrency Is Amazing

Altcoin news, News

During the marketing of John Wick 4, renowned Hollywood actor Keanu Reeves discusses a wide range of topics, including cryptocurrencies, NFTs, the metaverse, and much more. He notes that the fundamental idea underlying cryptocurrencies is quite remarkable.

Keanu Reeves said the following in an interview with Wired: “I think the principle, the ideas behind an independent currency, are amazing. These are amazing tools for exchanges and distribution of resources. So to pooh-pooh crypto, or the volatility of cryptocurrency, it’s only going to make it better in terms of how it’s safeguarded.”

“People are growing up with these tools: We’re listening to music already that was made by AI in the style of Nirvana, there’s NFT digital art,” Reeves said in response to a question about how his popular movie The Matrix just looks more and more wildly prophetic by the day seeing how AI is taking over.

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Reeves said, “It’s fantastic, like, Look what those adorable robots are capable of making!” On the other hand, there is a corporatocracy working behind the scenes to exert control over those things. On a cultural and societal level, we are going to be put in the position of having to choose between the value of the real and the value of the nonreal.

Reeves, when asked about the things that worry him most about the metaverse, said, “It’s this sensorium. It’s a show for everyone. In addition to this, it is a method of control and manipulation. We are now staring at the cave walls and seeing the projections while we are on our knees, which prevents us from turning around to look behind us. Alternatively, to the side.”

According to Reeves, Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta has generated more land, and as a result, there is now more land available for purchase. He continued by saying, “It’s wealth creation and it’s opportunity.”

In June of 2016, Keanu Reeves and the artist Alexandra Grant established the Futureverse Foundation in collaboration with Fluf World NFT. In regard to the foundation, Reeves indicated that it is something his girlfriend Alexandra Grant is particularly interested in, which is why he is kind of riding on her coattails with regard to his involvement in it.

“I assisted in the preparations for the launch. The actor who played Neo in The Matrix went on to say that they are working to “take this technology that people are interested in and provide possibilities to artists with diverse ideas.”

Compiled by Coinbold

AI, Metaverse, NFT