Cool Cats will rebrand themselves with a new strategic direction

Cool Cats will rebrand themselves with a new strategic direction

News, NFT news

A list of popular blue-chip NFT stocks The initiative known as Cool Cats is about to enter a new age, and there are preparations in place to rename it with the assistance of some fresh strategic guidance.

Cool Cats Single Cat jpeg

The mission statement for the reimagined Cool Cats show is as follows: “To become the preeminent entertainment brand that celebrates cool through community-centered storytelling and innovation.”

A town hall meeting was organized for the members of the community by Cool Cats, during which some ideas that would fit with new narrative material that will concentrate on the project’s primary character, Blue Cat, were unveiled.

According to Colin “Clon” Egan, co-founder of Cool Cats and Creative Director of the company, “Our new logo incorporates a forward-facing cat, a testament to our emphasis on developing for the future.”

Through in-person events, games, customisable souvenirs, tangible and digital items, and community-focused narrative NFTs, Cool Cats hopes to attract mainstream customers with the goal of collecting one million holders over the course of the next five years.

A brand-new feature referred to as “Cool Score” is going to be made available by Cool Cats. This tool will provide users the ability to track, evaluate, and be rewarded for their engagement in the Cool Cats community.

The firm is introducing “Journeys,” a gamified narrative venture, along with a soft staking mechanism for Cats and Pets on Cool Cats’ gamified NFT environment, Cooltopia. This will be done in conjunction with the “Journeys” project. As a direct consequence of this, the team is now in a position to bestow more advantageous qualities, both virtual and physical rewards, and other benefits onto the holders who demonstrate the greatest level of activity.

As members explore Cooltopia, they have the opportunity to collect dynamic NFTs that have been given the name “Fracture” NFTs. This will allow them to access additional levels of the Cool Cats story. The dynamic NFTs will grow more as the bearer continues to explore more of Cooltopia.

Current Cool Cats holders will get an airdrop of Fracture NFTs when the firm Town Hall provides specifics on the future direction the project will take. It will be a flawless pass for a forthcoming NFT release, and it will be used in “Journeys” to meet the requirements for uncommon qualities.

During the Town Hall, Cool Cats provided a clue about a new game that will be unveiled in the months to come.

Ledger Quest is a co-branded educational initiative that was developed by Cool Cats and Ledger in collaboration. The program will launch at the beginning of this month with the goal of assisting the community in becoming more knowledgeable about how to protect their belongings.

Later on in this year, Cool Cats will release a new NFT that is going to be called “Explorers.” “Explorers” will support complete bodily customization, will not be tied to any certain chain, and will be compatible with a wide number of platforms; however, the specifics of these characteristics are still up in the air.

Cool Cats is pleased to announce the partnership with Hologram. Hologram makes it possible for holders of Cool Cats NFTs to experience Cool Cats NFTs via the use of holographic technology and 3D avatars. An further exciting news was the partnership between Macy’s and Cool Cats.

Jarvis, the Head of Product at Cool Cats, made the following observation: “The first chapter of Blue Cat’s tale is rather linear since there are certain essential components about Blue and Cooltopia that we would want to make sure we have communicated with the community.” In the next second season, we will be using Journeys to offer the community a certain measure of power on the tale and storyline.

Compiled by Coinbold