
42 ApeCoin DAO candidates announced

Altcoin news, News

Community-led governing body comprised of ApeCoin holders, ApeCoin DAO has completed the first phase of its Special Council nomination process. So, Ape holders applied and completed their KYC and verification processes, and the community got its first look at the 42 candidates.

The ApeCoin Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) made an announcement on Twitter stating that 42 Ape holders will be vying for the three available Special Council seats. ApeCoin’s decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) will now begin phase two with a “Community Discussion” that will last for 14 days.

According to the release, “The Foundation employed two distinct independent third-party service providers to complete this verification,” which includes screening for politically exposed people, sanctions, and background checks, among other things.

This indicates that members of the Ape Holder community will have the opportunity to learn more about the candidates and pose questions to them on the respective candidate Discourse sites.

Prior to this, ApeCoin DAO made the statement that three Special Council Member seats would be up for grabs. This was in response to the news that Dean Steinbeck, Maara Bajwa, and Amy Wu would be resigning from their respective Special Council roles and would not be seeking re-election.

Ape Improvement Proposals were authorized by the ApeCoin DAO, which marked the beginning of the election season for the ApeCoin Special Council. The deadline for ape holders to submit applications to elect up to three additional council members by January 2023 was November 20th.

In the month of December, there will be two distinct votes held by the community. The first vote, which will be conducted via snapshots, will be used to choose the top five candidates. This first vote is scheduled to take place between the 15th and the 21st of December.

Because each of these candidates will be nominated for a seat on the Special Council, the second vote will decide who will serve on the Special Council in January 2023. There are three seats on the Special Council.

Compiled by Coinbold