Worldcoin Introduces World ID in Germany

Worldcoin Introduces World ID in Germany

Altcoin news, News

Blockchain technology innovator, Worldcoin, has announced the launch of sign-ups for World ID in Germany. World ID is a decentralized identity protocol that prioritizes privacy.

The World ID system includes an AI-safe proof of personhood (PoP) credential, which is a cutting-edge innovation that verifies user authenticity.


Worldcoin’s World ID will start its operations in Berlin and will allow users to find verification locations, an essential aspect of their privacy-focused approach. Users can locate these points through Worldcoin’s social media or the World App, ensuring user convenience and accessibility.

Supporting this innovative identity protocol is a World-ID-compatible wallet developed by Tools for Humanity (TFH). This wallet complements World ID, providing users with a secure space to store their verified credentials.

The Orb is responsible for securely and privately verifying the humanness and uniqueness of users. It offers an ingenious solution to the ongoing challenge of secure and private identity verification in digital platforms.

Worldcoin’s technology adheres to strict German and European data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ensuring the maintenance of user privacy throughout the verification process.

This commitment to international data protection standards demonstrates Worldcoin’s dedication to user privacy and security and establishes a strong foundation for their expansion in the European Union and beyond.

Compiled by Coinbold

AI, blockchain, Worldcoin