The government of US gives the go-ahead for Binance U.S. to acquire Voyager Digital.

The government of US gives the go-ahead for Binance U.S. to acquire Voyager Digital.

Altcoin news, News

The U.S. government and the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors finally give the defunct crypto lending platform Voyager Digital Holdings the go-ahead to move forward with the deal for Binance to buy Voyager’s digital assets.

The $1.3 billion in digital assets owned by Voyager will be sold, according to the most recent document filed on April 19 in a New York District Court. Additionally, it states that the government may adhere to the provisions requiring immunity.

The government may appeal the exculpation provisions, which are conditions that are supposed to exempt Voyager from specific legal obligations, according to the filing.

Following a request from the US government, a federal judge stopped the sale of insolvent Voyager Digital last month. Judge Michael Wiles of the Southern District Court of New York denied the government’s earlier request for a stay of the Binance-Voyager transaction, which led to this development.

Compiled by Coinbold

Binance, Voyager