Swiss Football Association and Credit Suisse Launch Groundbreaking NFT Art Collection to Support Women's Football

Swiss Football Association and Credit Suisse Launch Groundbreaking NFT Art Collection to Support Women’s Football

News, NFT news

The Swiss Football Association (SFA) and Credit Suisse have teamed up to introduce a groundbreaking non-fungible token (NFT) art collection. This unique collaboration aims to foster and financially support women’s football in Switzerland. Comprising 756 NFTs, the collection will be exclusively available through the CSX app starting from July 11, 2023. In this article, we delve into the details of this innovative project and its potential impact on women’s football in Switzerland.


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Empowering Women’s Football through NFTs

The NFT art collection launched by the SFA and Credit Suisse represents a merger of art, digital technology, and sports. The net proceeds from the sale of these NFTs will be directly utilized to support national team players and young female football talent in Switzerland. This initiative aims to empower women in football and provide them with the necessary resources to thrive in the sport.

Features of the NFT Collection

The collection comprises digital portraits of players and offers additional benefits to buyers. Apart from owning digital artwork, buyers will also receive physical artwork, signed jerseys, and exclusive opportunities for meet-and-greet sessions with the players. This unique blend of digital and physical experiences enhances the value of the NFTs and provides fans with a deeper connection to the sport and its athletes.


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Credit Suisse’s Innovative Approach

The NFTs in this collection reflect Credit Suisse’s innovative approach to the Swiss digital asset market. Renowned Swiss artist Daniela Filippelli has brought these digital portraits to life, capturing the essence and talent of the players. The NFTs have been minted on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring a secure and regulated environment for their creation and ownership. This utilization of blockchain technology adds an extra layer of authenticity and transparency to the NFT art collection.

Convenient and Secure Purchase Process

Unlike traditional crypto transactions, the purchase and storage of these NFTs are facilitated through the CSX app. Buyers can securely acquire and store the NFTs without the need for external wallets or cryptocurrencies. Payments for the NFTs are conveniently made in Swiss francs via direct account debit, making the process more accessible and user-friendly for enthusiasts and collectors.

A Commitment to Women’s Football and Social Good

This groundbreaking initiative showcases Credit Suisse’s longstanding commitment to women’s football in Switzerland. By harnessing emerging technology such as NFTs, the bank demonstrates its ability to drive positive social change through creative partnerships. The fusion of sports and technology in this collaboration exemplifies how innovative sponsorships and collaborations can contribute to improving conditions and promoting greater equality within the sport.


The collaboration between the Swiss Football Association and Credit Suisse marks a significant milestone for women’s football in Switzerland. The launch of the NFT art collection through the CSX app provides a unique opportunity for fans and collectors to support women’s football while enjoying digital and physical benefits. By leveraging NFTs and blockchain technology, this partnership exemplifies the power of innovation in fostering positive change. With the proceeds from the NFT sales directly benefiting women’s football, this initiative paves the way for a brighter and more inclusive future for the sport.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the purpose of the NFT art collection launched by the Swiss Football Association and Credit Suisse?

  • The NFT art collection aims to foster and financially support women’s football in Switzerland by utilizing the net proceeds from the NFT sales.

2. What additional benefits do buyers of the NFTs receive?

  • Buyers of the NFTs not only own digital artwork but also receive physical artwork, signed jerseys, and exclusive meet-and-greet sessions with the players.

3. How are the NFTs purchased and stored?

  • The NFTs can be securely purchased and stored within the CSX app without the need for external wallets or cryptocurrencies. Payments are made in Swiss francs via direct account debit.

4. Who created the digital portraits in the NFT collection?

  • Renowned Swiss artist Daniela Filippelli brought the digital portraits of the players to life, capturing their talent and essence.

5. What does this collaboration signify for women’s football and social good?

  • The collaboration between the Swiss Football Association and Credit Suisse showcases a commitment to women’s football and highlights the potential of innovative partnerships to drive positive change and promote equality within the sport.

blockchain, Credit Suisse, ETH, NFT, The Swiss Football Association (SFA)