IRS Investigating Crypto Traders and Fund Managers for Tax Fraud in Puerto Rico

IRS Investigating Crypto Traders and Fund Managers for Tax Fraud in Puerto Rico

News, Altcoin news

A recent report from Bloomberg has shed light on the ongoing investigation by the IRS into potential tax fraud committed by crypto traders, fund managers, and wealthy Americans who may have misrepresented their residence and income details. The investigation is specifically targeting individuals who have taken advantage of Puerto Rico’s tax laws to falsely benefit from significant tax breaks.

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False Claims and Tax Fraud in Puerto Rico

The IRS is actively pursuing civil and criminal cases against crypto traders, fund managers, and wealthy Americans who are suspected of making false claims about their residence and income. These individuals are alleged to have exploited Puerto Rico’s tax laws to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.

The Tax Benefits of Puerto Rico’s Tax Policy

Puerto Rico implemented a new tax regime in 2012, offering substantial tax benefits to attract Americans to the region. The tax policy promised a 100% release on dividends, a 60% release on municipal taxes, and zero federal taxes on primary income earned within Puerto Rico. These benefits made Puerto Rico an attractive destination for wealthy Americans seeking significant tax reductions.

Challenges in Acquiring Tax Benefits

While tax benefits in Puerto Rico are generous, qualifying for these benefits is not easy. To be eligible for the tax breaks, individuals must demonstrate that they have a “closer connection” to Puerto Rico than to the US and establish Puerto Rico as their “tax home.” This requires residing in Puerto Rico for at least 183 days per year.

Notable Figures and Audits

Prominent figures in the crypto and investment communities, such as gold bug Peter Schiff and crypto investor Michael Terpin, have relocated to Puerto Rico to take advantage of its tax benefits. However, even these individuals are not exempt from scrutiny. Peter Schiff recently faced issues when his bank account was seized for not adhering to net income guidelines. On the other hand, Michael Terpin, speaking at a Bitcoin conference, expressed confidence in his meticulous record-keeping and welcomed any audits.

The Tightening Noose on Wealthy American Residents

The IRS’s investigation and the pursuit of tax fraud cases against wealthy American residents in Puerto Rico indicate a tightening grip on individuals who have allegedly misused tax benefits. Legal experts, including prominent lawyer Carlos Ortiz, suggest that the noose is tightening, signaling the increasing scrutiny and consequences for those who have taken advantage of Puerto Rico’s tax laws inappropriately.


The IRS’s investigation into tax fraud involving crypto traders, fund managers, and wealthy Americans in Puerto Rico highlights the importance of adhering to tax laws and accurately representing residence and income details. The pursuit of false claims and tax fraud aims to maintain the integrity of the tax system and ensure that individuals fulfill their tax obligations.


Q1: What is the IRS investigating in relation to Puerto Rico’s tax laws? The IRS is investigating potential tax fraud committed by crypto traders, fund managers, and wealthy Americans who may have misrepresented their residence and income details to take advantage of Puerto Rico’s tax benefits.

Q2: What are the tax benefits offered by Puerto Rico’s tax policy? Puerto Rico’s tax policy provides significant tax breaks, including a 100% release on dividends, a 60% release on municipal taxes, and zero federal taxes on primary income earned within Puerto Rico.

Q3: How can individuals qualify for tax benefits in Puerto Rico? To qualify for tax benefits in Puerto Rico, individuals must establish a “closer connection” to Puerto Rico than to the US and demonstrate Puerto Rico as their “tax home.” This requires residing in Puerto Rico for at least 183 days per year.

Q4: Have any notable individuals faced audits or legal issues related to tax benefits in Puerto Rico? Yes, prominent figures such as Peter Schiff and Michael Terpin have faced audits or legal issues. Schiff’s bank account was seized for not adhering to net income guidelines, while Terpin remains confident in his meticulous record-keeping and welcomes audits.

Q5: What does the tightening noose mean for wealthy American residents in Puerto Rico? The tightening noose signifies the increasing scrutiny and consequences for individuals who have allegedly misused tax benefits in Puerto Rico. The IRS’s investigation aims to ensure compliance with tax laws and hold individuals accountable for any fraudulent activities.