‘Checks Elements’ Art Collection by Jack Butcher Sells Out for Over $90K

‘Checks Elements’ Art Collection by Jack Butcher Sells Out for Over $90K

News, NFT news

Christie’s 3.0 recently held an auction featuring digital artwork titled “Checks Elements” by Jack Butcher. The online auction showcased three digital artworks called “Alpha” that represented Earth, Air, and Water. The artworks were created in partnership with Jean Milant and Cirrus Editions and explored social media verification. The entire collection of 152 pieces was sold for a total of 50.10 ETH ($93,035.70), making this auction a success.


The Air artwork was the highest seller, fetching 19.88 ETH, followed by Water at 17.25 ETH and Earth at 12.97 ETH. Christie’s representative, Lydia Chen, expressed her excitement about working with Jack Butcher and having new bidders join the auction.

‘Checks Elements’ Art Collection by Jack Butcher Sells Out for Over $90K

Christie’s has established itself as a leader in the art and luxury industry since 1766. Famous for its blend of technology and tradition, Christie’s operates in 46 countries and provides auction services, private sales, art appraisal, financing, and real estate services. Christie’s made history by selling the first digital art NFT in 2021 and continues to innovate in the digital art realm. They have launched an on-chain auction platform for exceptional NFT art and use cutting-edge technologies like augmented reality, holograms, hybrid sales formats, and live streaming to transform the art business.
