How to Add Polygon Mumbai to MetaMask

How to Add Polygon Mumbai to MetaMask

MetaMask, Crypto Basic, Learn

Can you add Polygon Mumbai to Metamask?

Yes, Polygon Mumbai is a testnet provided by Polygon, a layer-two scaling platform for Ethereum. Polygon Mumbai is thoroughly compatible with EVM, enabling you to integrate it into MetaMask effortlessly with just a handful of clicks.

How to Add Mumbai Testnet to MetaMask

As detailed previously, the Polygon Mumbai Testnet network is indeed compatible with MetaMask Wallets and can be conveniently accessed via the ChainList application. Developed by the Defillama team, ChainList is a comprehensive collection of EVM networks, complete with their Chain ID, Network ID, and RPCs. This platform ensures that users can effortlessly connect to the verified chain.

Here’s a straightforward guide to connecting to the Polygon Mumbai Testnet using ChainList:

  1. Visit the ChainList website and connect your MetaMask Wallet.
  2. Select the ‘Include Testnets’ checkbox.
  3. Search for “Polygon Mumbai” in the ‘Search Networks’ tab.
  4. Click on Connect Wallet on Mumbai then click Add to Metamask.
  5. Click Approve and you should see the Mumbai Testnet in Metamask.
Chainlist Polygon Mumba

Polygon Testnet (Mumbai) Details

For those keen on manually adding the Polygon Mumbai testnet to their MetaMask wallets, the following information will need to be input:

What is Polygon Mumbai?

The Polygon Mumbai Testnet, formulated by the Polygon team (formerly known as Matic Network), offers a sandbox-like atmosphere for developers to test their applications on the Polygon network. Built as an identical replica of the Polygon mainnet, it allows developers to conduct tests and deploy their applications in an environment mirroring the real world before they transition to the production network.

The Mumbai Testnet is an Ethereum-compatible network utilizing the Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus mechanism, an efficient and speedy system ideal for testing. Additionally, it furnishes a variety of tools and services tailored for developers, including a block explorer, RPC endpoints, and a faucet to secure testnet tokens required for testing.

Polygon Mumbai


In this manual, we’ve detailed a pair of methods to incorporate the Polygon Testnet (Mumbai) into your MetaMask wallet. Drawing from our experiences, we strongly advise users to utilize ChainList to bypass possible errors in manual entry when attempting to input RPC and Chain ID data through MetaMask. Equipped with accurate information, users can effortlessly establish a connection to Polygon’s Mumbai testnet and commence their application testing without any inconveniences.

Find more Metamask related guides here.

MetaMask, Polygon, Polygon Mumbai