Binance Prepares for "ZhangHeng" Upgrade: Enhancing Security and Integrity of BNB Beacon Chain

Binance Prepares for “ZhangHeng” Upgrade: Enhancing Security and Integrity of BNB Beacon Chain

Defi news, News

Binance, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges, is gearing up for an important upgrade on its BNB Beacon Chain mainnet. Known as the “ZhangHeng” upgrade, this upcoming hard fork brings a groundbreaking feature to the blockchain, allowing for the halt of block production under specific conditions. The upgrade, set to occur at block height 328,088,888 around July 19, aims to enhance the security and integrity of the BNB Beacon Chain.

Important information about our latest upgrade ⤵️

— BNB Chain (@BNBCHAIN) July 12, 2023

The “ZhangHeng” Upgrade: Halt Block Production Feature

The highlight of the “ZhangHeng” upgrade is the introduction of a feature that enables the blockchain to halt block production in certain situations. This capability provides an additional layer of security and protection for the BNB Beacon Chain. By being able to pause block production, the network can effectively address potential issues and safeguard the integrity of the blockchain.

Binance Evolution Proposal BEP-255: Addressing Cross-Chain Bridge Exploits

A key component of the hard fork is the implementation of Binance Evolution Proposal BEP-255. This proposal focuses on the introduction of “on-chain asset reconciliation,” which plays a crucial role in addressing vulnerabilities associated with cross-chain bridge exploits. Cross-chain bridges are essential for interoperability between different blockchain networks but can pose security risks if not properly managed.

Ensuring Security Through On-Chain Asset Reconciliation

BEP-255 introduces the concept of on-chain asset reconciliation to enhance security within the BNB Beacon Chain. With this approach, the blockchain actively tracks changes in user balances within each block and conducts regular reconciliations to detect any irregularities or discrepancies. By promptly identifying and addressing potential issues, Binance aims to maintain the security and trustworthiness of the chain.

Impact on Downstream Services

While the “ZhangHeng” upgrade and the implementation of BEP-255 are essential for improving security, they will have an impact on downstream services, including bridges, deposits, and withdrawals on exchanges. These services will experience temporary disruptions or halts during the upgrade process. Binance acknowledges the inconvenience this may cause but emphasizes the necessity of these measures to ensure the overall safety of the BNB Beacon Chain and its users.

Swift Action and Secure Ecosystem

In the event of an exploitation or reconciliation error, swift action will be taken during the halt period. Binance plans to blacklist or correct any related accounts to address the issue effectively. Once the blockchain is successfully resumed, downstream services can be reinstated accordingly. This proactive approach ensures that users can continue to transact on the BNB Beacon Chain with confidence, knowing that the ecosystem is secure and reliable.


The “ZhangHeng” upgrade on Binance’s BNB Beacon Chain marks an important milestone in enhancing the security and integrity of the blockchain. With the introduction of the halt block production feature and the implementation of BEP-255 for on-chain asset reconciliation, Binance is taking significant steps to mitigate potential risks and vulnerabilities. While the upgrade may temporarily impact downstream services, it is a necessary measure to safeguard the chain and maintain a secure ecosystem for BNB holders and users.


Q1: When will the “ZhangHeng” upgrade take place? The “ZhangHeng” upgrade is set to occur at block height 328,088,888, estimated to be around July 19.

Q2: What is the purpose of the halt block production feature introduced in the upgrade? The halt block production feature provides an additional layer of security by allowing the blockchain to pause block production under specific conditions, enabling the network to address potential issues effectively.

Q3: What is BEP-255, and how does it enhance security? BEP-255 is a Binance Evolution Proposal that focuses on on-chain asset reconciliation. This measure helps identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities arising from cross-chain bridge exploits, contributing to the overall security of the BNB Beacon Chain.

Q4: How will downstream services be impacted during the upgrade? Downstream services such as bridges, deposits, and withdrawals on exchanges may experience disruptions or temporary halts during the upgrade process. This is necessary to ensure the security and integrity of the BNB Beacon Chain.

Q5: How will Binance address any potential issues or errors during the halt period? Binance will take swift action by blacklisting or correcting any related accounts to address any potential exploitation or reconciliation errors. This proactive approach helps maintain a secure and reliable ecosystem.

Binance, blockchain, BNB, BNB Beacon Chain, hack