Kyle Davies Announces Unique Shadow Recovery Process for Creditors of Three Arrows Capital

Kyle Davies Announces Unique Shadow Recovery Process for Creditors of Three Arrows Capital

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During a recent Twitter Space session on July 3rd, Kyle Davies, one of the co-founders of Three Arrows Capital (3AC), expressed his commitment to assisting creditors who suffered losses during the unfortunate collapse of their crypto hedge fund in 2022. Davies unveiled a distinctive “shadow recovery process” aimed at providing financial support to these creditors. In this article, we explore the details of this unique initiative and its potential impact on the affected creditors.

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Aiding Creditors Through Goodwill

Kyle Davies, in an act of goodwill and to promote good karma, announced his intention to donate a portion of the earnings generated by his latest crypto venture, Open Exchange (OPNX), towards helping the creditors of Three Arrows Capital. This gesture demonstrates Davies’ commitment to rectifying the losses suffered by creditors and offering them a path towards recovery.

The Distinctive Shadow Recovery Process

Davies referred to the proposed reimbursement plan as a “shadow recovery process,” which is separate from the official liquidation proceedings overseen by the global consulting firm Teneo. This unique process enables Davies and his team to contribute funds to the creditors, but with a condition: the creditors must have shown early support for OPNX. By doing so, Davies aims to reward those who have believed in and supported the new venture.

Compensation for Early Supporters

According to Davies, a significant number of creditors have already been fully compensated through this shadow recovery process. However, he also emphasized that creditors who choose not to engage with this initiative are under no obligation to do so. The intention is to provide an opportunity for creditors to recoup their losses by participating in the recovery process associated with OPNX.

Promoting Positive Outcomes and Good Karma

Davies believes that by offering a means for creditors to recover their funds, his team is contributing to the restoration of trust and goodwill. He stated, “We very much believe that if we do good and we say to creditors who lost money, they have a way to make more back. If we do bad and they do well, then that’s great. And that’s good karma, or whatever you want to call it.” This approach highlights the emphasis on positive outcomes and fostering a sense of reciprocity within the crypto community.

Advantages of the New Venture for Creditors

When questioned about his involvement in a new venture while the liquidation process of his bankrupt hedge fund is ongoing, Davies stressed that the creditors would stand to gain significant advantages from Open Exchange (OPNX). Together with Zhu Su, Davies has introduced OPNX as a trading platform specifically designed for trading bankruptcy claims. The platform has already attracted an impressive user base of 20 million users, collectively holding $20 billion worth of claims. Through OPNX, creditors have an opportunity to engage in trading that could potentially help them recover their losses.


Kyle Davies’ announcement of a unique shadow recovery process for the creditors of Three Arrows Capital demonstrates his commitment to rectifying the losses suffered by these individuals. By utilizing the earnings from Open Exchange (OPNX), Davies aims to provide financial support and a path towards recovery. This initiative not only shows goodwill but also promotes positive outcomes and fosters a sense of reciprocity within the crypto community. As the shadow recovery process continues, affected creditors have the opportunity to participate and potentially regain their lost funds.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the shadow recovery process announced by Kyle Davies?

  • The shadow recovery process is a distinctive initiative introduced by Kyle Davies, co-founder of Three Arrows Capital. It involves utilizing a portion of the earnings from Open Exchange (OPNX) to provide financial support and assistance to the creditors of the collapsed crypto hedge fund.

2. What condition must creditors meet to benefit from the shadow recovery process?

  • Creditors must have shown early support for Open Exchange (OPNX) to be eligible for the benefits of the shadow recovery process. This condition allows Davies and his team to reward those who believed in and supported the new venture.

3. Are creditors obligated to participate in the shadow recovery process?

  • No, creditors are not obligated to engage with the shadow recovery process. Participation is optional, and those who choose not to participate are not required to do so.

4. How does Open Exchange (OPNX) benefit the creditors of Three Arrows Capital?

  • Open Exchange (OPNX) is a trading platform designed specifically for trading bankruptcy claims. It provides an opportunity for creditors to engage in trading activities that could potentially help them recover their losses. The platform has attracted a significant user base, collectively holding $20 billion worth of claims.

5. What is the significance of Kyle Davies’ emphasis on good karma and positive outcomes?

  • Kyle Davies believes that by offering a means for creditors to recover their funds and promoting positive outcomes, his team is contributing to the restoration of trust and goodwill within the crypto community. Emphasizing good karma highlights the intention to foster a sense of reciprocity and positive energy.

3AC, Three Arrow Capital