All Nippon Airways (ANA) Launches NFT Marketplace

All Nippon Airways (ANA) Launches NFT Marketplace

News, NFT news

All Nippon Airways (ANA), Japan’s leading airline, has partnered with its subsidiary ANA Neo to launch a unique marketplace for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) with aviation-themed designs.

The first collection of NFTs features a digital photo by photographer Yutaka Ozawa and the corresponding positive film, both of which will be converted into NFTs and made available for purchase on May 30.

The second ANA NFT collection, which launches on June 7, will feature a 3D model of ANA’s first Boeing 787 aircraft in flight and will have 1,574 items available for purchase at a price of 7,870 yen each.

all nippon airways jpeg

With revenues of $12.2 billion in the previous fiscal year, ANA plans to expand its NFT offerings and enhance the customer experience value through NFT commercialization. It has made efforts to establish its GranWhale platform, which uses virtual reality technology to replicate global destinations and cultures and offer a unique travel experience.

ANA intends to continue expanding its NFT offerings and establish its presence at the intersection of airlines and Web 3.0 to improve the customer experience on its platform.

Compiled by Coinbold

NFT, Web3