Euler Finance Attacker Returns Stolen Funds.

Euler Finance Attacker Returns Stolen Funds.

Defi news, News

The Euler Finance attacker returned all stolen funds back to the platform after successful negotiations.

Euler Finance experienced a flash loan attack on March 13th, resulting in the return of 58,000 ETH and $10 million worth of DAI stablecoins.

The attacker even left an on-chain message saying “Jacob here. I don’t think what I say will help me in any way but I still want to say it. I fucked up. I didn’t want to, but I messed with others’ money, others’ jobs, others’ lives. I really fucked up. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean all that. I really didn’t fucking mean all that. Forgive me.”

“The rest of the money will be returned ASAP. I only look after my safety, and that is the reason for the delay. I’m sorry for any misunderstanding. Please read my next message,” Jacob added.

The exploiter has returned all of the recoverable funds stolen from the Euler protocol, and the platform is no longer accepting new information. If 90% of the funds are not returned within 24 hours, Euler will offer $1M for information that leads to the arrest of the exploiter.

Compiled by Coinbold